Debit Card

I have a simple, wonderfully easy approach to pricing:

I offer my services as a “MaKum-VA Debit Card.”

  1. $500 for 10-hours.

  2. $300 for 5-hours.

  3. $120 for 1 individually booked hour.

You buy the quantity you want up front and use it at whatever pace and for whatever services (or combination) you like. Each “Debit Card” is good for a year.
No contracts or monthly minimum required.

Click here to schedule 20 minutes to find out how we might work together.
It’s free --  It’s 20 minutes -- It’s all about you and your business!


In Germany, where I am located, we have a regulation for self-employed individuals which allows small businesses like mine to be exempt from paying value-added tax (VAT) as long as they do not exceed certain revenue thresholds. Since this regulation applies to my business, I am not stating any VAT on my invoices.

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