Software & Apps

There’s a lot of technology needed to run a small business smoothly and efficiently these days. The good news is that there are numerous choices and most of them are remarkably inexpensive. These are the tools I’ve come to rely on and recommend, based on first-hand, in-the-trenches experience. (Full disclosure: If you click one of these links and sign-up for the service, in some instances I get compensated by the company.)

SiteGround Logo

SiteGround is a website host which is said to use the fastest server. It works seamlessly with WordPress and a lot of other website builders and its support is on 24/7. Those two criteria are the most important ones for me. Customers don't have the time to wait for the upload of my website if it takes too long. And which company nowadays has a support that is available 24/7, you tell me … :-)

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JetPage is a website builder which promises a seamless blogging experience and also comes fully configured for ranking on Google with a SEO-optimized backend out of the box.

It is a great and easy to work with alternative to WordPress. Elevate your blog or build a high-income business website. JetPage also offers plans for web developer/web designers.

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Logo Dropbox

Ever want to share a file with someone quickly and without worrying about “jamming” your email? With Dropbox, you can create folders on your hard drive that not only allows you to share files with other Dropbox users, but you can access your folders from any computer, your iPad, or your phone. And it’s free!

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Logo Audio Acrobat

Want to record your monthly newsletter and give readers an option to click and listen (and post it automatically on iTunes)? Want to record a message that visitors to your website will hear? Want to set up a dedicated phone line that your customers can use to record a testimonial for you?

For about $20 a month, this service takes care of all types of audio needs. You can do all this and a lot more with Audio Acrobat, and it’s easy as can be.

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Logo LastPass

I have numerous passwords – my passwords and also my clients’ passwords sum up. So you can imagine why LastPass, an online password manager, is my new best friend. Once LastPass is installed, it tracks your passwords as you log in to online accounts and stores and categorizes them. And get this – I can log out of Last Pass with one click, so, if I leave my computer, no one else can log into my accounts.

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Logo Zoom

Zoom is a fabulous application when you hold webinars or need to share computer screens, whether it’s yours or someone else’s. Clients love the convenience of being introduced to changes to their computers and for me to show them applications. And I'm glad, I don’t have to get into my car to visit them.

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Logo Evernote

Need to store information in a searchable database and be able to retrieve it, regardless of where you are? Evernote comes to the rescue. I use it to store to-do lists, snippets of code for building websites, lists of books I want to read, anything I must remember and use later. I can access my information on the web, on my iPhone, iPad or on my hard drive if I’m offline.

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Logo Acuity Scheduling

I used and tested a few scheduling software solutions before settling on Acuity. It is synced to my Google calendar and works seamlessly.  My clients like it too because they can schedule time with me without all the back and forth emails.

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Logo Getty Images iStock

What a great resource! For a few dollars each, you can buy the rights to download from among hundreds of thousands of photos/illustrations. Great for newsletters, websites, and PowerPoint presentations!

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Logo Toggl

If you’re in a business where you need to track your time – check out Toggl. You can track billable and non-billable hours, different rates per client or project, and keep all the details straight, regardless of where you are. And the reporting feature is spectacular if you’re wondering where you’re spending your time.

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Logo Moo

Moo is the coolest printer on the planet if you want unforgettable business cards, notecards and printed goodies for your business. The printing is impeccable, the paper quality amazing.

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Logo 123RF Photos

I recently discovered this website for photos and love it – the pricing model works great, especially when you’re working on a big project and need many images at a time.  Check it out!

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Logo TSheets Pro

T-sheets is a wonderful application for companies who need to track time for more than one employee. It integrates easily with QuickBooks and has a great mobile app for on the go time trackers.

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Logo Mailchimp

Great support, intelligent software that lets you create exactly what you require without tripping over the user interface. You've got to love Mailchimp.

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